As the New York City home of the famed company that masterfully blends ballet and comedy, The Joyce presents Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo again later this month and into the new year. Affectionately called the Trocks, the all-male troupe will showcase their talents in two programs over the course of three weeks.
Program A, which runs from December 20-24, 2022 and January 5-8, 2023, will transport audiences into the fantastical world of Swan Lake and the Spanish inspired Majisimas. Program B (December 30-January 4, 2023) highlights virtuosity in ChopEniana and Paquita.
Both programs will also include the unmissable Dying Swan and a pas de deux or modern work yet to be announced.
The Joyce Presents Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
Featured Photo for The Joyce Presents Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo of The Trocks in Paquita. Photo by Zoran Jelenic.